• hello@hajamariekargbofoundation.org
  • +1 470-875-2512

Be a voice
for poor people
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Discover More We are here to support you every step of the way
Be a voice
for poor people
Discover More We are here to support you every step of the way
Be a voice
for poor people
Discover More We are here to support you every step of the way
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Our Objectives

Provide educational and vocational opportunities for children and youth. Offer rehabilitation and support services for church workers , ministries facing challenges. Implement programs to combat drug abuse among youth. Extend financial assistance and microloans to those in need. Partner with churches to construct auditoriums and facilitate outreach activities.

Vision Statement:

Empowering communities through holistic support and sustainable development for a brighter future.

Mission Statement:

Our foundation is dedicated to providing comprehensive assistance to children, church workers, youth struggling with drug abuse, individuals in need of financial support,

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